Did anyone see where August went? It seems I spent a week at the beach with my family, turned around twice, and here it is almost Labor Day. I’ve been busy this past month, writing the new Nichelle Clarke novel, keeping up with my littles, and meeting readers at the Suffolk Mystery Authors Festival in Suffolk, VA. The Suffolk festival is one of my favorite events of the year because I love the town and the people, and the festival is just the right size: big enough to be a great weekend, but still small enough that I get time to really chat with readers instead of just signing a book and saying thank you to move the line along. If you’ve never been, mark your calendar for the first Saturday in August next year and join us!


Next week, I’m headed to St. Petersburg, FL for the Bouchercon World Mystery Convention. If you’re coming too, please find me and say hello! Here’s where I’ll be during the weekend:


Thursday, Sept. 6, 11 a.m.: Panel, In the Papers: Journalists in Fiction, Royal 3AB room


Friday, Sept. 7, 9-11 a.m.: Volunteering at the registration desk


Saturday, Sept. 8, 8 a.m.: Panel, Drawing Inspiration From Our Kids, Majestic room


Both panels are at the Vinoy Renaissance Hotel, and I’ll be signing books in the signing room immediately after both, too.


I hope you’ve had a wonderful summer. It’s been a lovely one here—I have several exciting things happening writing wise in the coming months, and am looking forward to sharing all kinds of fun news with y’all.


With much affection,



LynDee Walker

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